
Our Night (A Short Film by Jayme Coveliers) DIGITAL DOWNLOAD

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Our Night (A Short Film by Jayme Coveliers) DIGITAL DOWNLOAD

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As High School graduation quickly approaches, Quinn and Simon find themselves on the night of their prom, what is supposed to be one of the most magical nights of their lives. However, as things begin to go wrong, Quinn worries if he will ever make it to the dance.

Written/Directed/Shot/Edited by:

Jayme Coveliers


Ryan Foreman

Gavin Farrow

Paula Camaya

Evan Jordan

Fae Rose

Claire Turvill

Assistant Directors:

Gaby Godinez

Graham Byrne

Music by:

Evan Jordan

Patrick Baranovskis

The Manwolves

Graham Byrne

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1.41 GB
33 minutes
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